2008年3月6日 星期四



幾天內,妹妹已經玩過Who am I, What is my pet, Where do I sleep三個單元。我們又教她每次轉頁前一定要記得按”耳朵”icon,聽聽句子的讀音。妹妹也很合作,每兩三頁總有一次自己按”耳朵”icon。


4 則留言:

  1. hi,
    i find your websites very very very useful. i am the mother of a 7.5 months old boy, i tried to use glenn doman flashcards with him. when i try to use your powerpoint template, i find i after i have input the new words into it, i cannot play the powerpoint as it should be.
    last but not the least, i would like to express my appreciation to you for setting up of such useful websites. please reply to me in your blog here. Thanks very very very much
    from a desperate mother.
    [版主回覆03/12/2008 14:29:00]There are some instructions at page 2x-3x inside the file on how to set up new file using the template.  You may refer to them.  Hope you successful in setting up the files.

  2. starfall 真是一個很好的website,爸爸現在每天都與子謙上此website學習,子謙已會說出英文生字及拼音,實在得益良多。
    [版主回覆03/12/2008 14:29:00]子謙爸爸真的很用心呢!

  3. nana, how old is your son?
    catherine, mother of a 7.5 months baby boy

  4. 女兒也是從starfall.com學會很多英文生字, 學發音的部份也很好
    [版主回覆03/12/2008 14:30:00]所以我的兩個女兒也很喜歡.
