2008年2月14日 星期四









5 則留言:

  1. you are so patient , especially to see your Glenn Doman's method's files. thank you very much for helping such a lazy mom like me, I hope my kids can learn more but lazy to prepare materials , thank's God let me find your website! Look forward to learning more from you! BTW, a u working now?  How come you can present these flashcards to your kids and also wonot you consider to do home school?
    [版主回覆02/15/2008 11:19:00]Thanks for your support.  If my small sharing can save others' time and efforts in preparing similar materials and in turn facilitate the growth and development of some children, it is my real pleasure.
    Showing flash card is in deed not time consuming if it become a habbit.  The acutal time used is only 1 minute x 3 time = 3 minutes per day.  The universal problem is it is hard to start and keep showing for the first two weeks.  After that, you will enjoy the feedback of your child and it will become your motivation.  Let try.  Hope to see your sharing.

  2. Still have questions, my 2 years old boy seems not like to see English words and Chinese words care but only with Encyclopedia, so what I can do ? and how many set of intelligence cards I should show him? And 7 months son likes to see all cards, and how many words I should show and how many numbers should show him?  And is it ok to show on computer?
    [版主回覆02/22/2008 15:28:00]Just let your boy see the encyclopedia card is good so as to satisfy his curiosity.  You can let him see as far as he wish to, and stop before he wants to stop to keep his interest.
    You can give him a test on the number of card he like.  For example, show him 20 cards to see he is still interest, if yes, then 30 cards next time... until he cannot keep his interest, say 50 cards, then you can show him 30-40 cards a time.
    Computer is OK but you should accompany him and praise him all the time.

  3. Hello,你地好,
    我一向都有留意你的網頁,覺得你地好有心機及愛心,我自問未能做到,因我和老公都要返工,不知怎樣好好利用flash cards。我剛看過思言讀英文的短片,好捧啊!
    [版主回覆02/22/2008 15:40:00]Hi toanniechan,
    和你們一樣, 我和我太太也是要上班, 回到家已經身心俱疲了, 還要面對兩個女兒, 所以我知道回家後還要教導孩子是很難的.
    就是因為這個原因, 所以暫時未和思言和英文字卡, 而中文字卡也停了好一段時間.  我們只能夠和思言讀故事書, 和讓她看百科圖電腦檔案(中英文均有).  我負責說英文故事, 太太則說中文故事. 平日溝通則用全中文.
    或者是又中又英的關係, 思言的語言發展較慢. 現在思言是說中文的, 但她對英文有很好的理解力和反應.
    稍後當她對中英文的理解力較佳時, 會再用中英文字卡和她學習.

  4. 原來係咁。我現在很矛盾, 我想囡囡學多d英文,但我就是怕佢同時學英文及中文(由我教)會很混亂, 到時她的語言發展仲會慢左添。好唔好讓佢在中文的學習環境打好基礎先,再教英文呢?

  5. Hi, I have been visiting your homepage since the birth of Paco (he is 20 months now). I'm really impressed at the ways you teach your kids.
    Recently, I have started teaching Paco English words. I usually pick the words that he knows the meaning. Before that, Paco has been watching Your Baby Can Read for a period of time. Besides, he has also watched many different types of English materials. So he already knows all the alphabets and many English vocabularies.  He is able to name them by looking at the picture. However, when it comes to words, it is a total failure. No matter how many times I teach him, he still can't recognize them. To him, every word is just the same. I wonder if it is because he splited the words by looking at the alphabets alone. I'm really frustrated now. Do you have any suggestion?
    Btw, thank you very much for your sharing in your website. I really learnt a lot. Look forward to more of your sharing.
